About Gateway 3DS Flash Card™
GW3DS - The first Nintendo 3DS flash card that can play 3DS ROMs®
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Packaging and contents
Labeled red Gateway 3DS Flash PCB Kit Team Photos courtesy GW3DS
The GW3DS is printed on the front of a white background in a blue plastic box with door 3DS logo fades into a deep blue color. The box design also features intersecting lines. The back of the box is blue and the Logo of conformity Consistent printed in the center downwards. The red label 3DS door Flash Kit is not the same shape and size of a standard 3DS cartridge. It has a bright red sticker on the front and back of the device, with a similar design on the box, but instead of fading a deep blue that fades to a deep red. A marked red GATEWAY3DS Flash Kit also has teeth on the contacts to give them a certain influence among them and 3DS. Esto own kit prevents reading difficulties GW3DS flash, which is a big problem for some DS flash kits. Additive Card Slot microSD Ultimately, it is what I consider an advantage. The pictures of the circuit board are provided by GW3DS equipment green, but the person who appears to be a deep blue, which is similar to the design of the plastic box. According to flash blue label kit DS is the same shape and size as a standard DS game cartridge. Since the red marked Flash Kit 3DS gateway, but it also has a clear label, but instead of red is blue and looks like blue shell labeled container GATEWAY3DS. La DS flash kit, which is held by screws or binding, but little plastic pins. You do not have incisors and contacts microSD card slot is spring loaded.
Installation and Use
The following material has to meet a number of requirements:
2x microSD card: You can use the 3DS and gateway with a microSD card, but I recommend using two microSD. Uno card, be at least 2 GB in size to get the color blue with DS Firmware Flash Kit is the 3DS Gateway use installer. Other Map microSD must be at least 16 GB in size due to the fact that the maximum size of a 3DS ROM 8 GB. En will be present, is the larger landfill 4GB ROM, which means that you need a Map microSD to start more than 4 GB. However, a 3DSROM user named 3DSGuy has a tool that cuts 3DS roms at a smaller size, allowing anyone to create a 4GB 3DS ROM created small enough to fit into a would Map 4 GB. Su microSD tool can be found in the download section below, and as far I trimmed roms it worked.
A microSD card reader and a SD card reader: Unfortunately GW3DS not come with a microSD. Usted card reader to drag / drop the 3DS ROM microSD card and put the core DS kit Flash tag blue files on the smallest Map microSD 2 GB. Se need the SD card reader to the required "launcher. dat" copy file.
Unit 3DS firmware v4. 1-4. 5: At the time of writing this review, GATEWAY3DS XL 3DS/3DS units only supports firmware 4. 1 to 4. 5. Wenn the 3DS is on a higher firmware then you have to wait until the 3DS Team Gateway an upgrade release. If you are then interested in buying an XL 3DS/3DS how to make sure that you have a compatible drive is to check the back of the box to ensure it says "Registered trademark of Nintendo 2012". This ensures that you do a firmware currently supports GW3DS. The Pikachu 3DS XL, 3DS XL black and New Leaf Animal Crossing 3DS XL, have confirmed a firmware higher than 4. 5 units. (In the United States, is that in other areas, the 3DS may come with a lower firmware and even a special edition 3DS XL. ) It is recommended that if your 3DS is less than 4. 5, there is a retail game with update 4. 5 and update as well. GW3DS team recommended, not with the 4. 5 GATEWAY3DS.
1x SD card (at least 2 GB in size): All new units 3DS comes with an SD card with 2 GB / 4 GB. Una small SD card might work, but I have not yet tried the trick with. You need the SD card to store their games saves and save 3DS file gateway "launcher. dat" necessary.
Software Requirements
3DS ROM (do not ask for them here, we do not support shared hosting or links to illegal content)